God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools."- John Muir

Looks like carelessly disgarded rubbish.

Looks like carelessly disgarded rubbish.
Would YOU have noticed the chiqkenn?

Before scrolling further,YOU must watch this to put you in the mood.Thanks.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Little letter

I received a letter from Pokok the eco warrior today.He invited me out to attend eco film show.Is it a date?I am so excited will be meeting Pokok at 8.30pm.We hope to get good seats at the back as the seats up front is very very straining for my long naked neck.
Looking forward to meeting up with Pokok.

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After the rescue (Lost all my natural ffeatherrs.)

After the rescue (Lost all my natural ffeatherrs.)
I used an old tshirt to wrap me up and keep me warm.

Chiquitita at Pallete.

Chiquitita at Pallete.
Very excited cos I saw a nest of eggs on the ceiling.

Pokok the Eco Warrior.

Pokok the Eco Warrior.
The other night I met Pokok.He is so cute.Would like to meet him again.Not sure if he is a rabbit or kangaroo.

Am so scared of all these humans.I think I will hide in the bag.

Happy to be with nature.

Happy to be with nature.
I am so happy to be with the greens...I think i will climb this tree.

I love trees and leaves.

I love trees and leaves.
Chiq - a - boo!! I see you.....

Happy happy day,up on a tree

Happy happy day,up on a tree

Pretending to be Baugenvilas

Pretending to be Baugenvilas
Spot the Chiqkenn

Looking for some organic food.

Looking for some organic food.
"La di da....peck,peck peck...."

Eeeek!!sss!!!...Styrofoam beast!

Eeeek!!sss!!!...Styrofoam beast!
What's a horrible thing doing in my green forest??

Pure Evil.

Pure Evil.
These are the ghosts that haunts me.